
Super news
The expiring 2012 year went out for us with the call time on show career of Mafdet Red Rory and Mariol's Myrtille. For now they both are the World Champions.


The final titles were awarded in Astana at the World Fair, held on September 29-30. It’s a milestone event for us   since the World Show took place in Kazakhstan for the first time.

Also we were lucky to undergo an examination at Mr. John Hansson, a famous English judge – a super expert in sia-ori breeds from Great Britain, a person, whose contribution to the development and formation of breeds of eastern cats is tremendous. He had the kindness to visit the show of our Club “Zhanym” on October 27-28.



For the first half of 2012 numerous voyages to take part in shows as in the country as in Odessa (Ukraine), and twice in Samara (Russia) were made.

Various judges from the different countries were an umpire of shows:
Ms. Larissa Levkovich, Ms. Tamara Sapozhnikova, Ms. Anna Rudakova; Ms. Dina Smirnova, Ms. Olga Mironova, Ms. Marina Litvina, Mr. Artem Mineev – judges from Russia;
Ms. Nadejda Pilatova – Belarus;
Ms. Nina Grinakovskaya – Kazakhstan;
Ms. Mary-Lise de Landtsheer – Belgium;
Ms. Corinne Grognet-Michaux – Belgium;
Mr. Jeremiasz Gradkowski – Poland;
Prof. Massimo Picardello – Italy;
Mr. Klaas van der Wijk – the Netherlands; 

Receiving the title Grand Euro Champion for Mafdet Red Rory & Mariol` s Myrtille is the result of these journeys. Our children were nominated to Best in Show at different shows. Myrtille became also the best adult in the mono-pedigree show in Samara, 4 BIS in Odessa.




Ms. Alla Maksimenko(AB, Moscow, Russia)
Ms. Tamara Sapozhnikova (AB, Moscow, Russia)
Mr. Andreas Kreichmer (AB, Germany)
This show was significant since we for the first time could conduct the mono-breed oriental show (Judge - Mr. Andreas Kreichmer), where our castrate Private Collection James Bond (Buratin) became the best castrate.
It became as well the best castrate in the WCF ring of castrates and the Best Neuter in Best in Show of the 1st day, and has taken the second place Best in Show of the 2nd day.

Mariol` s Myrtille has taken the 4th place in Best of Best (of the second day). Mafdet Red Rory and Isabel Amulet have received the International Champion titles.




Ms. Elena Fedorenko, АВ, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Ms. Natalya Lebedeva, АВ, Moscow, Russia

Based on the show results, Isabel Amulet and Mafdet Red Rory fixed the title National Champion. Rorick was nominated the Best in Show, where he has he became the best animal of the opposite sex (the best opposite sex) of the first day of the Siamese and Oriental group. For Mariol`s Myrtille it was the first show in her life. The judges took the fancy of her. Ms. Fedorenko said she had a very harmonious aspect ratio of the ears and head.

Ms. Irina Murashova, АВ, Omsk, Russia 
Mr. Igor Mikhailov, АВ, Moscow, Russia

Our girls – Paradise Furry Amulet(Alice) and Isabel Amulet as well as their growing up red-eared bachelor

Mafdet Red Rory – have received their САС first grown-up titles.

Isabel has been even nominated for the “Best in Show” and showed a gorgeous ex-display temper.








More experienced in show battlesCelia (Red Sonja Amulet) has become an International Champion

Married couple Oessy Amulet (Sarah) and Private CollectionJames Bond (Buratin) has brought some happiness.









Notwithstanding they slightly “exceeded” the ex-conditions, they both have been nominated for the “Best Neuter”.
Buratin has become the second best neuter cat of the exhibition (of both ex-days). 

Sara has become the third best geld girl-cat (of the first day) and won a certificate for free participation in the autumn show.







Peterbald Innokentiy, a companion ofAlice and a favorite of Anastasiya, has become the best castrate.








Sincere congratulations to Nastya!!!


Mariol`s Myrtille (Bilberry), a so long-awaited honey girl of blue point color, a jolly and rowdy-dowdy persona, having won all summits in the house and every heart, arrived in our city from France, from Mariol`s Siamese famous cattery with the many years breeding experience!



Mrs. Tatyana Chernova (AB, Latvia)
Mr. Artyom Mineyev (AB, Tyumen)

Our «Red Sonja Amulet (Celia)» has got a “Champion” title

